The brain is not perfect in what data it coughs up. A person may walk past a certain shade of blue table cloth and their brain takes in the data. The table (no problem), the shape of the table (no problem), and the color of the cloth (big problem). There was a man that molested them as a child who wore that same color of tee shirt. Suddenly seemingly out of nowhere comes feelings of fear, paranoia, and anxiety.

I could see where this is possible, and how it might explain a lot of the mystery behind emotions that don’t seem to be correlative to present experience. I know that the brain gets its perceptions from both the senses in the moment and compares them to everything in its memory. When added together it tells the person not only what they are sensing, but also dictates how the person should react – including having no reaction or interest in aspects of their environment. Some of the more mundane information may be a correct comparison to whatever the brain is perceiving – but the trauma, joy, sexuality, anger, or jealousy connected to a past experience may not be.

~ DC Vision


Brain Perceptions – 15.Mar.12 — No Comments

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